I think I am a glutten for punishment. Seriously. I must like to feel overwhelmed, because I am constantly putting myself in that position. For example, I have three kids, 5,3, and 1. That alone is stupid busy. Two of those kids have dance and preschool classes, plus at least one or two playdates a week. To be fair, those playdates are as much for me as them, b/c they are off my back playing, and I love all their friend's moms. Or is it they like my friends' kids? Either way. Then I decided to make good on the promise to get them a dog, because we have been promising one for two years, and Maia held up her end of the bargin to pee in the potty and become much more self sufficient, and Celia is firm on her feet so I ran out of excuses. My lovely in-laws dropped the dime on the dog, and I am now stuck with another mouth to feed and butt to wipe. She is integrating into the family quite nicely, but it is still a lot more work! Then the hubs and I are in the process of closing on yet another property to flip, so there is all the work off in the wing. In order to prepare for that, I have been scouting the internet and clearance racks at the home stores to get what I need as cheaply as possible. Someone stole the kitchen cabinets out of the place, along with the copper wire and parts of the heating/air unit, so I need to replace all of that. Being the smart girl I am, I realized my kitchen cabinets that I dislike greatly but are generally benign to most people would fit perfectly in that house, so off to Ikea we went on Monday to purchase cabinets. I just finished assembling the last one yesterday. BUT, before we can install them, we have to lay the new laminate wood floors we just bought. So basically, my house is trashed, as you can see from the pictures, my house will continue to be trashed for the next few weeks, and oh yeah, next week we start daily swimming lessons for a month! It's spring baby, and the projects, they are a flying! But, thankfully two out of the three girls love to "help", and that third girl still takes two naps a day, so I should be able to get some stuff accomplished during the day. Last note, James passed his broker's liscense today! So now that his classes are over, that aspect should be better. Of course, we've replaced his one class two evenings a week with about 7 projects to work on simultaneously. But it'll be beautiful when we are done, and we'll make some money in the end, and the girls will hopefully be able to keep afloat when the lessons are done long enough for me to dive in after them. That is the end goal. Still, with all the projects surrounding me, I think I need a bigger plate!
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