Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Celia!

Good Lord! The baby is turning one! Is this even possible? It's much more touching since this is my last baby, unless DH's vascetomy fails or I have a tryst with the mailman. Anyway, Celia turning one is a really wonderful thing to celebrate. She was a TOTAL suprise, and I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to parent three kids at this age range. She has been the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful little girl that anyone could ask for (except for the not sleeping thing). She has really shown me that suprises can be a total blessing and to accept life's little gifts as something that will grow into a beautiful thing. So thank you Celia, for deciding to come into our lives. I hope that we can help you become the fabulous person you are already turning out to be!

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