Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Mo!

Every kid brings with them a basketfull of lessons and characteristics when they come into this world. Some are very serious (Sophia), some are downright dangers to themselves (Celia), and others are such a delightful rainbow of characteristics you can't put them into any one category. Four years ago today I got a basket of sunshine when Maia was born. She is quite the enigma. She can talk about things well beyond her years, but then will speak in her made up language. She can take a kid down that is twice her size, but loves to dress fancy. She has taught me how to laugh and not take myself too seriously, and how to sometimes just be, which is very hard to do in this house. She has shown me that even cleaning up puke in a number of pubic places isn't that hard, and that there are (almost) always friendly people to give you a hand when that happens! She gives great face too. I've never seen anyone make such fantastic faces. So thank you Maia, for coming into my life, and for warming the lives of all who know you. Just don't forget us when you are a famous stand up comic, or dictator of a small nation. We love you!

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