Friday, May 29, 2009

My little dancers!

There are time when I am overwhelemed with amazement and graditude at how wonderful and talented my children are. They are such smart little cookies, and much more comfortable in their skin than I ever was as a child. Last night they were at the school for their rehersal, and there is no fear or doubts for either one of them in getting on that stage with those lights and just letting themselves feel that music and dance! Just before I hit record, Maia also didn't mind scratching, DOWN THERE, in front of about 100 people. God I love her! They both did great, and I admit I did cry a little, especially when Maia did her dance, because she is such a big girl now! A crazy thing happened when I was there though, I ran into a kid my best friend in 9th grade dated! I actually dated his brother for awhile too. It's so weird to see people you knew as kids having kids, and definately strange to have them live and send their daughters to the same dance school! It makes me feel old. Having my girls up on a stage, being wonderful and beautiful definately makes me feel old! But that is okay, because that means my life is developing and continuing down a beautiful path. And I get to learn things, like did you know if you want a tutu to be at it's fluffiest, you must hang it upside down? And you can also spritz a little hairspray on it to further fluffify it. In my house, that is critical knowlege, right next to being an expert in cleaning up vomit in 30 seconds or less, and how to make hair fancy. A little sparkle and glam never hurt anyone, except for a little girl named Cathy, who is in Sophia's dance, started crying because one girls outfit last night was "too bright and hurt my eyes". Classic!

1 comment:

cciabepp said...

That is pretty darn cute!