Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stomach Flu

As I sit here, I have a sick husband, a sick daughter, and two more girls who will, I am sure, inevitably come down with the stomach flu within the next few days. I am achy, but we all know that moms are not allowed to get sick, so I will pull myself along until bedtime, collapse, and get up a million times at night to tend to the other sickies. It really makes me appriciate the way my mom, and mom's everywhere, pull their stuff together and tough it out even though they are feeling as bad as everyone else, perhaps worse, because, they are, after all, cleaning up vomit and other, more foul, substances that belong to other people, and their own. Here's to all you moms out there that are made out of the tough stuff, and keep it together even when you are falling apart!


Linde said...

I understand!! We were all sick at the beginning of Jan. Never done so much laundry in my life. Summer learned to watch a lot of cartoons while Dave and I were passed out in bed. BTW we are expecting number two on Sept 14th!!

Paige said...

Hear! Hear!

Hope you are all feeling better soon.