and not a lot of time to do it, as I can smell Celia depositng a little gift for me right now. Because I am not busy enough, a few weeks ago I began taking real estate classes, so the ti
me I used to have to update this blog is now spent on hours and hours of homework. I've got another month and a half of classes left, but it definately makes me admire those moms who work full time and go to school even more than I already do. Life just keeps wizzing by, and I really am amazed a how the girls are thriving, even if Daddy is in charge a couple night a week! He is actually doing a great job, as good as me, and we all know most women think the way we do things is the best AND right way. Did I say most women, I meant all women. Anyway, Celia is really talking like crazy, which is fun, because with three girls in the house, it's just so quiet and nice to have someone fill that void, ya know? She is coming up with all sorts of stuff, half of which is totally understandable, to me at least. Yesterday, she was running around yelling "Batman! Mommy Batman, Daddy Batman, Baby Batman, Sophie Batman (which for some unknown reason, she can only say it sounding like Abby), Momo Batman!" over and over and over. Combine that with Maia's off the wall statements (after walking in on James going to the bathroom, her response was "Daddy, do all boys pee out of their pockets?"), which get funnier every stinking day, and Sophia's Miss FancyPants attitude, and we've got quite the comedy show here. Sweet Sophia will be turning 6 tomorrow, which I will post about next before I unwrap the gift Celia has bestowed upon me. I know I haven't posted in a long time, so I'll do my best to TRY and at least post once a week a short something or two until this class is done. But, no guarantees. Keeping cheking though, you never know, I may suprise you!
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