Monday, October 12, 2009

There is baby-proofing, then there is Celia-proofing

To specify, when one baby proofs, they take anything dangerous and put it, oh, say 4 feet up and you're pretty much good until 5, when they have the mental capasity not to, let's say carry a steak knife around. With the older two, I did things like use plug covers, and gates at the stairs and we were okay. With Maia I had to keep my eyes on her outside, because she liked to stick rocks in her mouth, but other than that, saftey was pretty much easy. I say that, because Celia has really stepped up her game in the last week. She has always been really fast, really strong, and completely without fear. Plus she likes to suck water off of anything, like the slide or the sandbox. Add to that a love of hiding (and staying totally silent while doing so) and we already had a recipe for danger. Now, oh now.... She can get on top of the counters. I was baking cake and cupcakes for my grandmother's 77 birthday, and I turn around to see her standing on the counter, opening my cabinet door and pulling out glass sundae cups. Repeatly I took her down, and she would scale up again. Then yesterday, I saw her walking around the kitchen holding a steak knife! They are in the top drawer, which was totally out of her reach. There were none in the dishwasher for her to get out, and I was baffled how she got it. Well, today I may have got my answer. She doesn't get a pacifier unless she is in her bed. She saw them on the top of her dresser, and I watched and she pulled the drawers out. and climbed up them like they were stairs. God have mercy, this kid is a freaking mountain goat. At this rate, I spend half my day pulling her off of something, a fourth of the time thinking of ways to secure the house so she doesn't get hurt, and the other quarter in the feeding ,cleaning, caring for the other kids and the dog who won't stop eating stuff that makes her puke. I'm going to go to Ikea soon, which is where I got my kitchen cabinets, and get the custom child lock stuff to keep this girl from stabbing someone. In the meanwhile, looks like I'm going to be busy!

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