Thursday, June 18, 2009

Worn out!

Lately, I feel like I've been engaged in man-to-man combat on a daily basis. First, let me say that I've been working out to this crazy video, 30 Day Shred, which I swear is awesome but leaving me extremely sore. So I'm in no real place to say I'm starting out on the right foot when it comes to the fact that I'm on my feet all day. However, even if I wasn't getting the crap beat out of me w/ the workout (have I mentioned how much I love that video. Because I do, since in 4 days I'm already getting seriously toned arms), Celia has seen to it that I do not have a moment of rest, EVER. I've been straining for a good description of her, and it's a tie between mountain goat on caffine, or monkey on speed. I'm more for the latter. She has NO FEAR, and amazing climbing abilities, which makes for a dangerous combination. I don't yet have pictures of

her hanging off of the ladder to the clubhouse, or standing on the top of the back of the couch, because I'm too busy racing to catch her. She has also learned that if she stands on the dog, she can climb on the bed. We're talking Wuzzy the dog, not a stuffed dog. That dog is the best, calmest dog in the world. Thank god, because I don't know what I would do if she weren't! This morning Celia dumped about 200 goldfish crackers on the floor, which Wuzzy cleaned up for me, thank you very much. That is why we got a dog, to reduce my sweeping! Seriously though, Celia is a terror right now, because with this newfound delight for climbing and doing dangerous activites, she is also teething, and developed a lovely "do it now" attitude. Each age brings the good and the bad, it's just right now, while she is so sweet and staring to say really cute suff, the bad is just wearing me out! Don't be suprised to see another ER post in the near future, either for a nervous breakdown on my part, or a broken bone on Celia's. It's a toss up!

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