Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are the girls on Halloween evening. They were very excited to go. As you can tell, Sophia was Alice in Wonderland. Maia is Ariel after she is a human, and poor Celia is a unicorn, who is desperately trying to pull the hood off! It was a bit big on her head, so it kept falling over her face. After the picture, we just took the hood off. Our house is now full of candy, and the candy fairy will be sneaking in and stealing it a little at a time to help get rid of it. James took me to dinner the next day for my birthday to Ruth Chris, which was delicious, and a nice break from the girls. My girlfriend Inna watched the girls for me, and deserves special praise because Celia decided to cry and freak out after I left, and Inna had to deal with all her drama. So thanks a lot Inna for watching them! We are also being swept by a new, and much appriciated, craze, fairies. Specifically, Tinkerbell and the Disney Fairies. Since the movie came out, there has been a lot of fairy behavior, which is a nice break from the last 3 years of princess rule in my house! I'll gladly take smart fairies over oo-la-la princesses any day! So huzzah for the fairies! With cold weather approaching, I'll be happy to play fall fairies inside all day long! I highly recommend the Tinkerbell movie for anyone with a little girl. It's very cute, and may just save you from the grip the princesses has had on us all!

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