Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Program week

This week has three programs for us to attend. Monday was Sophia's kindergarten concert. She and her classmates did a fantastic job. I'm having video difficulities, but I will keep trying. Maia had her little class party/ show today. As you can tell, she's being weird. She pretty much didn't sing at all, and just looked around the room, yawning and seeming confused. When we got home, she took a killer nap, so we're guessing she was tired. But we have all 7 minutes of refusal to participate, so we'll always have the memories! Friday is their dance recital. Sophia is super enthused, and Maia could care less. I won't be there. Hopefully I'll be home from the hospital, but in no shape to watch a show. This year I'm counting on James to actually hit the record button, since he failed to do so last year. Finger's crossed! I know Sophia will do great, as usual, and Maia will be funny and obstinate, as usual, so they will be cute. If I can get the videos to upload, I'll definately have them on here.

We came home and decorated the tree. The girls had an absolute blast placing all of the pieces. James didn't really care to join in, but he did us all a HUGE favor by keeping Celia distracted by reading her books and keeping her entertained. As a little girl, my mother and I would decorate the tree while listening to Bing Crosby's White Christmas. I found it on cd the first year I moved out, and have listened to it ever since. Of course, we also must listen to Jimmy Buffet's Christmas Island, to balance it out. I'm curious to know what the girls will listen to when they are on their own!

Oh Christmas Tree..... Oh Christmas Tree.....

how cold it is when we are picking you out! As usual, we had a fantastic time picking out our christmas tree. It was very cold, in the low 20's, but the girls had hot chocolate to warm them up, and had a blast running around finding the perfect tree, which for Sophia, was every tree. Celia's mind was completely blown when she saw James pick up the tree after cutting it down. It's a tradition we started as a family when I was pregnant w/ Sophia, and we will keep doing it forever, since it is always so fun. Yeah christmas tree day!

The reason for the absence...

I know it has been a LONG time since I last posted, and I am very sorry. 90% of it was just due to the breakneck speed at which our lives are paced, but another 10% is due to the fact that I was dreading/ really thinking about explaining the initial abscense. As I had posted earlier, my paternal grandmother was very sick. Her cancer spread quickly, and by the beginning of November, we knew we didn't have much time left with her. Given the fact that my dad passed very quickly and unexpectedly earlier this year, I was determined to do for her what I could not for my dad, which was simply to be there with her and support her to the end. My aunt Glenda, and my cousin Allison, were just amazing, putting in at least twice the amount of time and work I was able to. Their strength was just awe inspiring. By the last week, we were all there around the clock, and able to all be with her, and my grandfather, as she took her last breath. She was a really amazing grandmother, and I am honored to have had her in my life. She was the kind of lady who let me dye my hair pink with Koolaid and use her treadmill as a shopping conveyer. She always let myself and the rest of her grandkids know that she was there whenever we needed her. I am so greatful to her for that love, and am so glad that while we couldn't beat this cancer and have more time with her, that we were able to spend it together until the end. So that is my post about why I have been gone. I'm going to probally be gone again for another period of time, due to the fact that tomorrow I am having a hysterectomy. Having three little girls back to back, being small, and having traumatic births left me a bit damaged, and it's time to get it fixed. I hope that I'm a tough cookie, and that I will be back soon, but if not, I'm posting a month's worth of blogs today to catch everyone up. So enjoy the rest of today's posts!