wiped out! But, I do want to throw out some new pictures, and some new thoughts about life and raising three girls. First, how awesome is that mid-air shot of C tossing an Easter egg!? She was "painting" it, and I was taking a picture at just the right time when she threw it. If you look closely, you can also see the few teeth she has in that shot as well. Also, we have been very busy, in addition to multiple preschools, dance class, and daily swim lessons, planting our garden. The onions, garlic, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and zucchini are all in, and sprouting. Today or tomorrow the cantalope and tomatoes will go in, since it's going to be very warm. The girls LOVE to help sprinkle the seeds, and Celia particuarly loves to dig. She also likes to lick the dirt off of the shovel. Lovely. Looking at that picture really strikes me at how big she is getting. Yesterday, Sophia brought home a lovely strain of strep throat. Poor kid. It was going around her school, so naturally she got it. She is a DRAMA QUEEN already, but she really turned it up on this. Sitting in the doctor's office she just broke down sobbing because she felt so badly. Thankfully, she got antibiotics yesterday, and today is feeling 100% better. I've never seen anything work so fast! Thank goodness, because tonight they have dance recital pictures, and I don't want sicklings around for that. Even through all the schedule madness, we've really been keeping along at a great clip. One more week of swim class to go, then two weeks of school, and we are DONE for the summer!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Quick Update.....
wiped out! But, I do want to throw out some new pictures, and some new thoughts about life and raising three girls. First, how awesome is that mid-air shot of C tossing an Easter egg!? She was "painting" it, and I was taking a picture at just the right time when she threw it. If you look closely, you can also see the few teeth she has in that shot as well. Also, we have been very busy, in addition to multiple preschools, dance class, and daily swim lessons, planting our garden. The onions, garlic, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and zucchini are all in, and sprouting. Today or tomorrow the cantalope and tomatoes will go in, since it's going to be very warm. The girls LOVE to help sprinkle the seeds, and Celia particuarly loves to dig. She also likes to lick the dirt off of the shovel. Lovely. Looking at that picture really strikes me at how big she is getting. Yesterday, Sophia brought home a lovely strain of strep throat. Poor kid. It was going around her school, so naturally she got it. She is a DRAMA QUEEN already, but she really turned it up on this. Sitting in the doctor's office she just broke down sobbing because she felt so badly. Thankfully, she got antibiotics yesterday, and today is feeling 100% better. I've never seen anything work so fast! Thank goodness, because tonight they have dance recital pictures, and I don't want sicklings around for that. Even through all the schedule madness, we've really been keeping along at a great clip. One more week of swim class to go, then two weeks of school, and we are DONE for the summer!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
ER- round 2
Little Miss Celia is really giving me a run for my money! She was having a lovely day yesterday, being totally normal for the most part. During swim class, she felt really warm, but I assumed it was because she was in a 90 degree room. I gave her tylenol just in case, but forgot about it. Then, last night as James was laying her down, she started shaking. Totally body, uncontrollable shaking. I sprinted in there, grabbed her, and got her to my bathroom, when she promptly threw up. She was on fire, so I took a quick temp and it was 101.9 . Called my cousin, who conviently lives across the street, because her son has had seizures in the past, she came over and I called the doctor. She told me to go to the ER for two reasons, One was that she is already on antibiotics for this never ending ear infection and that you don't just spike a temp that high in minutes when you're on meds like that. The other reason was that we just want to make sure there are no other illnesses causing this. By the time James and I got her to the ER and had her temp taken again, she was 103.6 , which is the highest temp any of my kids has ever had. Long story short, the combination of the Ibprofin I gave her and the Tylenol they gave her got the fever down, she had a urine test to check for a UTI, and they checked her ears and she was fine. No idea what caused it, but it was very scary. We got home around midnight, she woke up three times, and got up for the day at 5:45. So I know that there are misspellings, but forgive me because of the lack of sleep. Thank god she is okay, but I hope that doesn't happen ever again!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Should've named her Socks....
I can not post pictures of this, because it would be disgusting, but I do have to share. Until we moved into this house, I never lost a sock before. I don't know if it's because the house is so big, or because 3 kids just lose stuff, but I'd find single socks all over the place. Now, I am finding them in very new locations. The other day, Wuzzy was gagging and puked. What was in her puke? You already know. A pair of socks, still balled up. I thought that was the end, but no. We have found socks in her poop two times in the last few days. One may have been a Barbie shirt, but I sure as heck wasn't going to break it down to find out. Either way, we seem to have a sock goblin on our hands. Not quite sure how to stop the problem, other than constantly harping on the kids to put their socks in the laundry basket, and we all know that is a 50/50 chance they will do it. The threat of Wuzzy puking them up has seemed to help modivate them a bit more. We'll have to see how long that lasts. Meanwhile, Celia STILL has an ear infection from her sickness I posted about ions ago, so today I finally got the doctor to give her some antibiotics. Maybe in the near future I'll start to sleep again. Maybe. Definately not this weekend though, because the floors are in and we are going to install them and the base cabinets that have been sitting in my front room for weeks now. It's going to look amazing! Postings may be a bit erratic this next month, due to the fact that Sophia and Maia will be starting swim lessons Mon-Thurs in addition to preschools and dance classes, so I may well go completely insane, instead of the halfway point I'm at now. It's going to be a challange keeping Celia entertained for the whole class, and even harder to keep her out of the water, since that girl LOVES water in all forms, especially toliet water. Keep your eyes peeled for a picture of her screaming to get in the pool in the coming weeks! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
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