Friday, January 30, 2009

Random Adorable-ness

We have been waiting all winter to sled. The last time I had been sledding, it was at Purdue and there was a certain amount of alcohol involved, so it's a bit sketchy, but let's say it ended w/ James being really injured for three weeks. So, the girls and I were super excited to see the thick blanket of snow on Wednesday. Having just gotton over some sort of stomach flu or food born illness, I was rearing to get out and do some damage! We got in the van, w/ the intent of going to the playground. Watching my cousin's van in front of me get stuck in the road was a bit discouraging, but we kept on. Sadly, there was no where to park (major lack of thinking on my behalf), so I tried to turn around at the next street, and promptly got stuck. After quite a few minutes of inching back and forth, we were free and returned home and were picked up by a friend in a giant four wheel vehichle, who was brave enough to try the whole thing with us. Parking at her friend's house who lives across the street, we figured we'd walk to the hill. After twenty minutes, we just made it to the sidewalk. It was a disaster. Sophia was crying, and my friend's one year old had hit the wall. So, she ran back, got the car, picked us all up, and dropped us off right in front of the hill. Baby was still crying, so she took her home while we worked on getting to the top. Another 15 minutes, which involved all three of my girls crying, me trying to make a path, and giving up and picking up and carrying all three to the base, Sophia and I finally got to the top. We did a victory dance, plopped her on the sled, and I pushed the sled. It went nowhere. Not even an inch. The snow was too deep! Never did I imagine that possible! My friend had returned at this point, so I carried the crying, snotty, cold children back to the car, got them home, and made them hot chocolate. Now we just have to wait for the snow to compact or melt a bit before trying that whole thing again! Thus was my children's first sledding experience. Ahhh, memories....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stomach Flu

As I sit here, I have a sick husband, a sick daughter, and two more girls who will, I am sure, inevitably come down with the stomach flu within the next few days. I am achy, but we all know that moms are not allowed to get sick, so I will pull myself along until bedtime, collapse, and get up a million times at night to tend to the other sickies. It really makes me appriciate the way my mom, and mom's everywhere, pull their stuff together and tough it out even though they are feeling as bad as everyone else, perhaps worse, because, they are, after all, cleaning up vomit and other, more foul, substances that belong to other people, and their own. Here's to all you moms out there that are made out of the tough stuff, and keep it together even when you are falling apart!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dancing Queen

Celia has been dancing for about a week, and I was finally able to catch it on video today. It is absolutely adorable. Watching her sisters and all those dance classes are apparently having a large impression on her. Any time there is music, she is bopping around with it. Looks like it's time to start saving up for another kid in dance class! I hope you enjoy the short video!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do you hear the angels singing?

Last night, for the first time in YEARS, we actually slept all night. Celia slept until almost 6, which is the first time she has done that in months, and the other two girls didn't wake up with nightmares. I don't know what to do with myself, with 7 hours of sleep. Dare I imagine a life where that may continue? God, let's hope so!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I'm super relieved Christmas is over! It was wonderful, but very busy. We've spent the week off after Christmas relaxing, not worring about going to school, dance, or any appointments. It is an amazing thing, holidays with young kids. They positively glow with excitement and anticipation for the day to arrive. Sophia and Maia did a fantastic job with their dance recital. Unfortunately, James forgot to hit record for Sophia's part, so I'm going to try and hit up a few moms in her class to see if I can get my hands on it, but if I can't, I'll try and post a video from her practice. Hopefully the video's will work this time, because I have been having trouble with them lately.

Further on the subject of Christmas, I am really humbled by all the love and kindness shown to the girls by all out friends and family members. It never ceases to amaze me how lucky we are in having such a beautiful family and group of friends that I am able to share with my children. It is now time for a new year to begin, and so many new memories will be made. This is a huge year for us as a family. Celia turns 1, Maia is going to be 3, start preschool and be officially a kid and not a baby, and Sophia is turing 5 (yikes!) and starting kindergarten. Thank you to everyone who shares their life with us, and we look forward to spending lots of time and love with you all. I hope you enjoy the video of the girls, and have a fantabulous new year!