We went to Holiday World this past weekend to meet up with James' dad, Jim, and his girlfriend Suzie. It was a LONG drive, 4 hours, and we arrived during the girls lunch and nap times. Even with that, the girls were absolutely fabulous. They listened, they followed directions, and by 9:30pm, we had made it through the day with not a single meltdown! Miracles do happen! We all had a lot of fun, and got an idea of what to expect for Disneyworld in less than a month from now. The kids had special time with their grandparents, and we all left happy and feeling good about the day. I'll try and get the video up on the blog from the day, but I am having some problems uploading it to the site, so that is a maybe on video! I'll keep trying, but meanwhile here are some pictures of the day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little Miss Celia fell asleep in two great places yesterday. One was in the pool while I was holding her. Couldn't get a shot of that, but I did get this one of her alseep on my bathroom floor while I was giving the other fabulous ladies a bath. Precious.That's the bathroom rug she is cuddling by the way!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Super Cute Happy Girl!
Having three girls has really made me appriciate the differences between individuals. From Sophia's very serious demenor to Maia's goofy love-fest, I was very intrigued at what Celia would develop in her quest for a personality. Now, at almost 5 months, I can say she is going to be an easy-going for the most part kid, who is quick to protest but quick to get over whatever bothered her. She laughs at everything; she is always smiling, and seems to be content with life. I really appricate that! I had a really tough time when Sophia was a baby because she was very demanding and fussy, and when Maia was a baby I physically had a lot of issues. This time around, Celia is a great baby who is only waking up usually once a night, and I'm getting back to normal physically and mentally. Only improved, since today I ran 2.4 miles straight. When you are a mom, there never seems to be a finish line. I can clean a room and go upstairs to put something away, only to return to a totally demolished downstairs. When one thing is done, three more things beg your attention. So running is starting to become the thing that makes me feel like I have accomplished something during my day.Giving this to myself is not only great for me, but also for the girls. Sophia and Maia love to walk on the treadmill, do situps, and otherwise pretend to exercise. Since I never mention losing weight or feeling fat, and always mention being healthy and getting strong, they are equating exercise with feeling good. Even Celia is getting in on it, with all the pushups/roll overs she is doing! She is close to crawling, so we'll have to start having crawling races around here. I've got to get us all in shape because I don't want kids falling over exhausted when we get to Disneyworld in a little over a month! So happy baby + feeling healty= one happy momma!
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